Rhododendron ‘Kimberley’ Rhododendron ‘Kimberley’ is on the top of our back terraces.It is a particularly good location for it as it is protected at the back by the sturdy hedge of ‘Smaradg’ or ‘Emerald Green’ which not only provides a very nice green foil for the plants in front, but also gives protection from winter […]

Camellia ‘Nuccio’s Gem’

This real beauty is exceptionally lovely. It lives at the top of one of our terrace walls and we can look up into its amazing face whenever we go up the steps. The raindrops are still visible and make it look so pristine and very fresh. Some double Camellias look awful very quickly, but this […]


Rhododendron ‘Kimberley’ This lovely Rhodo ‘Kimberley’ performs well year after and I have been growing it for about 10 years with no problem keeping it within the space available. It is a small Rhodo that only grows to  about 3-4 feet and I do prune it a little each year, after flowering. If you can […]

Hellebore by large Planter

Hellebore on Pathway This group of Hellebores, while still very beautiful, is beginning to lose some colour and turn to green. This will take several weeks, however. Behind them is my Aris Stone planter. It is as good looking now as it was when I bought it seven years ago. If you are interested, their […]